New content every weekday. Sometimes.

Just a Thought: Obituaries

by Jordy Greenblatt

I just read the obituary of Sumner Redstone in the New York Times. While I’ve never written an obituary, I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to mention the fact that the person died in the headline… or at least somewhere in the first paragraph.
The photo caption and the third paragraph don’t seem visible enough for the key piece of information, without which an obituary is basically just a creepy excerpt from the diary of a stalker.

Just a Thought: Airport Security

by Jordy Greenblatt

The woman ahead of me in the security line took two things out of her pocket to go through security, a pack of cigarettes and a ticket on Spirit Airlines. I wonder which one is more likely to turn her body into smoking debris.

Just a Thought: Conspiracy Theories

by Jordy Greenblatt

I’ve never seen Mitch McConnell and a cartoon turtle in the same room at the same time…

Just a Thought: Intelligent Design

by Jordy Greenblatt

If the theory of intelligent design were correct, that would mean a conscious being invented the idea of bearing fruit as a means of reproduction. In other words, after coming up with amazing adaptations like venom injecting fangs, prehensile tails, tree climbing vine tendrils, echo location, defensive electrical currents, ink projecting pouches, touch sensitive fly trap snares, natural camouflage, and the power of flight, somebody made the active decision, “I want to make a bunch of organisms whose ovaries taste like candy so animals will eat them and shit out their babies.”

Tip of the Day #470

by Jordy Greenblatt

If you want to hijack an account from a hipster, try the login “password” with the password “login.”

Just a Thought: Lazy Cats

by Jordy Greenblatt

I wonder if my cat would feel ashamed of himself if he were capable of understanding that I recently mistook a motionless pair of dark pants lying in a heap on the bed for him.

Just a Thought: Toasters

by Jordy Greenblatt

Considering its functional simplicity, the toaster is a remarkable invention for its sheer transformative power. When I see someone eating a piece of toast for breakfast, my first thought is, “I bet that warm crunchy exterior perfectly complements the pillowy bread inside. You, my friend, have made an excellent choice this morning.” If I saw someone eating a plain piece of bread for breakfast, my first thought would probably be, “What the hell are you doing, you blight on society? That’s not how people eat bread. Were you raised by raccoons?”

Just a Thought: The Constitution

by Jordy Greenblatt

Is there a way to pass an amendment that’s just a pointer back to the 14th?

Just a Thought: Elton John

by Jordy Greenblatt

I’m beginning to think Elton John’s Your Song isn’t about me at all.

Tip of the Day #202

by Lincoln Sedlacek

It’s very important to proofread any written content you plan to publish in a pubic space.